Thursday, February 9, 2023

Finally... Another PR Day (Personal Retreat)

I have to be very intentional about planning these days... And I planned for this one.

No appointment... 

BUT... trying NOT to rush is the point, which is very difficult.

When I got Mom up, the sheet was wet... She had peed through three layers of clothes and I had to change the sheet... So, that threw out my original 'time schedule'. I had set on going for a run as soon as Mom left, and that didn't happen. Yes, I could have changed the sheet while she's having dinner, but I had set that time to do what I'm doing now -- blogging!

So... I did the cleaning and then at 9:45, I decided to change plans and catch the elusive nap! YES, I did... I napped! It was marvelous... I could have slept the day away. But no... I got up at 11:30 and headed out. This was my afternoon plan! Go to Shihlin Residence Tulip Festival and maybe the Lantern Festival on the other side of town too.

It was the first day and there was quite a crowd. The weather was magnificent! I walked around and I just love tulips. The museum was closed for lunch, and I told Alan that we will have to go on 2/17. 

I then was overly ambitious and scootered to the Sun Yet Shen Memorial Hall... where the lanterns were on display. Wow... I couldn't even find a scooter parking, so I gave up that plan and went home! Which actually worked out as I had time for a run and a quick stop at World Gym. No time to use the jacuzzi or the sauna, which was part of my plans for today. I got back and as I popped Mom's dinner into the microwave, the phone rang... YUP! The van was heading over!

During dinner, I had a shower... and checked my emails.

After Mom went to bed, I headed out to drop off donations and get a massage! 

I also had prayer time with a sister and then with Alan.

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Hebrew root to the word, Sabbath, means to cease or to stop. And this is one area that I'm working on this year. Being intentional about keeping the heart of the Sabbath. As a believer, how do I keep the Sabbath when Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath? I don't want this to be a routine or a ritual. I want this to build and deepen my relationship with God. So, what do you think? Do you keep a "Sabbath"? That's why I'm setting aside days to be a PR Day. I'm trying to do four a month. It's not 24 hours as I have the care of my elderly Mom. It's about 8 hours, 4 times a month! It's a start!

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” (Genesis 2:2-3)

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images

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