Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Too Fast of A Day with Too Much To DO!

I had to do another load of laundry... You know what that means!

Mom went off and I headed out for a run. According to the weather report, it was going to drop to 24C between 9-10am! And sure enough at around 10am, it got hot... probably 31C!

I came home and quickly took a shower and went out the door to meet up with a friend. 

Afterwards, I went in search of romaine lettuce and rushed home to make lunch and dinner. 

I looked on my cell phone -- a message to edit things. 

I was on my computer as I had several things to finish and tutoring started at 4pm!

Sure enough, when that ended, the phone rang. 5:13 -- Mom was back. I asked Alan to go downstairs as I had to put together Mom's dinner.

Isaiah was up and had a 30 minute online class before he was heading out to take the train to Birmingham. Since he was awake, we coordinated so that he bought his bus pass for the year! Yeah! He should be receiving the "smart card" on Friday!

I had Bible study this evening... and Abby sent off one of her applications and is still waiting for a response from YWAM Athens!

Daily Lovely Insight:

In Everything Give Thanks - GCIBC
This verse just cheered my heart today! In everything, give thanks... don't be selective... Follow this simple instruction and the LORD will show you His divine purpose in the 'everything' of your life!

Seek Him First!

Time Of Madness – Psalm 67:1-2 | The Bottom of a Bottle