Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Soochow Study Started!

Today was our first session and we were able to meet in person.

I baked this morning and it turned out really nice. A custard pudding apple bread -- made with fresh apples. I saw the recipe on line. I have a few other recipes to try. 

I also went for a run and it was a lot warmer than I had liked... I like running in cooler weather... 

Abby and I left at 12:45. 

I cancelled the appointment at AIT for tomorrow as several people told me that there is a wait even if your appointment is for 9:30. One sister didn't get to see the notary personnel until after 10:30. She waited for over an hour. Another sister, who is a lawyer, told me I better prep my mom because they will 'assess' her mental state. if they deem her not mentally sound, they won't notarize the document and it would be a wasted trip. After all these comments, I messaged Annie and said forget it! Too much hassle! Prep Mom? Are you kidding? She might be fine one minute and then totally weird the next!

And yes, I had to do another load of laundry this morning!

This evening, I had prayer time with a sister, but no other appointments. But I did rush home from the Bible study because I received a message to edit a document!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today's study was about Thanksgiving... and on Monday was Thanksgiving in Canada! Although I was told on Tuesday that there were only two students, 10 actually showed up! Three were new and the rest were from last year. In fact, four from last year weren't able to make it today but said that they will be dropping by! How fun!

We listed verses related to giving thanks... in all circumstances... 

And we are going to memorize Phil. 4:6-7.

Prayer can eradicate anxiety and bring peace of mind - Philippians 4:6-7 —  Faith Chapel

Seek Him First!

Pin on Words to live by


  1. Eight showed up and four more will be coming!

  2. oh good, keep baking your sweet desserts and more will come.......
