Monday, August 2, 2021

It's August!

I'm up early now as the sun is up early... 

It does give me time to get lots done before I need to get Mom ready for the Center!

Mom leaves at 8:30 and I rushed back up as tutoring started at 8:30. I was five minutes late!

I ended at 10:15 and rushed out the door to meet with two gals as I had stuff for them! YEAH! More things given away!

I then went to shop at the supermarket as they had hot sauce on special, the kind that Alan likes.

I got home and it was almost 12 noon. I wanted to make things for dinner, plus I wanted to fit in a run. But first I had to find out if the files for editing was sent. I felt so blessed... The editor said, "Not yet!"

I had time for a nap and a run... and it was pouring! My favorite kind of running weather!

I got back and yes, on my cell phone was a message that the file was emailed! I have until 8/5 to finish!

I quickly took a shower and got Mom's dinner on the table. Alan went to pick her up from downstairs and while she ate, I started to work!

Alan took off to play tennis with the kids.

When Mom went to bed, I worked and checked on flight status: UA 871! Annie had sent a whole suitcase of goodies via our friend, Forrest! 50 pounds! We got cereal, donuts, and much much more! YIPPY! Alan met Forrest perfectly at the back door of his quarantine hotel and took the suitcase. When he got home, the first thing he went for was the donuts and ate two! Those donuts won't last to Wednesday!

It was like Christmas in August! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I found it interesting that critics of Christianity say that they don't believe because they see so much 'hypocrisy' among Christians. They don't feel that Christians live up to the standards of the Bible. The truth is: Who can? Except for Jesus, no one can live up to the standards of the Bible. That's why I'm a Christian. I acknowledge that I fall short, very short, of the holiness God requires. I need the blood of Jesus. Christians aren't saying they are perfect. As a believers, I'm saying, I'm not. I'm saying I am impatient and selfish and do not think of others more than myself. I want to be more like Christ. And I believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God is daily transforming me. So, when critics look at me, I hope that they see Christ, who has done much to make me more like Him, one small step at a time. I do have a testimony, and His light does dwell within me. I want to shine. So, to those who are critical of the Christian faith, where are you at? Are you meeting the standard of the Bible?

Pin on Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Pin on Wisdom


  1. Jelly filled ones, of course... And we have now claimed all the donuts. They must have paper slips rubber banded around them... Trust me... they are going fast!
