Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Helping Others

I was up early... and then after my time with Jesus, I went downstairs to look at a TV that needs fixing. I need to google to see what's the problem. While I was down there, I looked at the recycling area and found a kid's bike and a robot vacuum cleaner. I gave the bike away and plugged in the vacuum for a good charging. Then I got all the chairs up and by the afternoon, I had that thing moving throughout the house. It's not exactly smart... 

I also dropped off the hamper, the storage box and 50 plus hangers... YEAH. The guy who wanted the router didn't show up. 

While I was editing, the rain started. So, I quickly changed clothes and went out for my run. The rain stopped so fast, so the run back home felt like a sauna.

At around 1:35, we went out to pick up someone's wedding picture as we're going to store it for them and dropped off Forrest's luggage. Yeah... that's out of our trunk finally. I called the post office, hoping to mail off the box, which is also in our trunk, but not yet. Only registered mail is going through. We will have to wait.

I had to tutor this evening, which worked out well since Isaiah was home. He decided not to go and play tennis. His rest day... Alan and Abby were out there... It was cooler as there was rain!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Frederick William Robertson Quotes & Sayings (27 Quotations)

Frederick William Robertson Quotes - IdleHearts

Frederick William Robertson Quotes & Sayings (27 Quotations)

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"


  1. I don't think we meet God alone, the angels will be there too !!!

  2. I guess the angels are pretty quiet...
