Friday, August 13, 2021

Down Pour & Shopping for Isaiah!

What a day!

We started early... as I had to revert an article back. Part of my editing job!

Then we headed out to Jason's Market looking for those air freshener refills. Nothing!

After picking up Vikki, we headed to GongKwang to look for shoes. We got one pair. Over 100US$! Then went to eat at a teppanyaki place -- DINING IN! It was fabulous! But as we finished the down pour started. And it was a MAJOR down pour. We left all the umbrellas in the car! So, we rushed and Vikki slipped and slid... Praise the Lord that she didn't get hurt!

We came home and after putting everything away, I went for a quick run. Mom was back just minutes before I got back. Alan was home! I had set out the dinner already. We also got a huge TV from the recycling and it works. Someone from church wants it! Perfect!

Mom had dinner and talked to James. Eddie was not around. 

Abby came home and we all sat down for dinner. 

Thanks to Annie, we played Minion Monopoly. It was so fun! Then a few games of Uno! I won both games!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I joined a FB group focused on running ultras... One guy ran the Zermatt Ultra! Oh... How I would love to do an ultra in another country... But not now... I am learning to be content with what the LORD wants me to do at this season of my life. That's a big lesson!

What is the lesson that the LORD is teaching you these days?

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"


  1. I am going to try ONE mile today HAHAHAHAHA Ultra mile that is ME

  2. You are attempting the UM-Ultra Mile!
