Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Different Kind of Sunday

As HOP is having its spring retreat, service for today was cancelled. Those who were at the retreat had a morning worship service... and this afternoon, I think Alan and Abby went to the beach and will go to the BBQ this evening before getting a ride from friends to head back to Neihu.

Isaiah met up with Vikki and they had brunch together. Near Vikki's house, a breakfast shop serves the Elvis breakfast sandwich. Isaiah said that it was pretty good -- peanut, banana and bacon! Sounds absolutely weird, but I told him I must take Alan there to try this. He left for Kaohsuing at 2:45. I dropped him off at the MRT station before taking Mom to her massage.

I drove around for 30 minutes and could not find a parking space! So, I illegally parked at the bus stop and walked her up and headed home. Before getting home, I stopped at the coin laundromat and picked up my two loads of clean bedding... Yes, since Alan wasn't home, I decided to strip everything! Three loads of bedding and laundry, including more of Mom's stuff!

I was hoping for a two hour personal retreat while Mom was getting the massage... but no way! By the time I got back home, put away everything, I had just 30 minutes before I had to head back out to pick Mom up! BUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even have time to take a quick nap. I made myself a cup of coffee and ate a piece of fruit! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Our retreat speaker shared the five A's (which came from a secular book): Attention, Acceptance, Appreciation, Affection and Allowing. If in ones childhood, any of these were missing, emotional baggage resulted and will hinder adult communication and intimacy. One insight was that God supplies these in our lives and when we are secure in that, I think healing does take place! I know I've experienced God's healing the minute I came to receive Jesus into my life! And in my walk with Jesus, I daily experience these five keys to mindful loving, because I think Jesus truly loves me... How awesome is that!

Pin by Linnea G on Playrooms | Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, this i know, Jesus  loves

Seek Him First!

Psalms Photo Gallery | Psalms, Inspirational scripture, Biblical inspiration


  1. I MUST remember the five A's, not just Alan, Lovely, Abby Isaiah and BEA HAHAHAHAHAH

  2. Ha, ha, ha... In our household, we only have two A's!
