Friday, February 12, 2021

A Great Start for Chinese New Year

This morning, with Mom up again, Alan told her to go back to bed at around 4am.

I got up for my quiet time and then went out for a run... Mom was really asleep... I can understand as she was up again... 

So, at 10:30, I woke her up for her shower and breakfast.

Friends came over at 11am and they had a special Korean Tea Ceremony for us!

We talked until 2:10 and headed out to meet our friend at the Howard Plaza. We had a delicious lunch there... Our sweet friend treated us... 

After dropping her off as she had a family dinner, we went to the Shihlin Night Market area. Abby wanted to buy some pants and Isaiah wanted to look for a suit! We had so much fun, walking around, trying different snacks and shopping. We got all the items... sofa chair leg pads, watch band, suit for Isaiah, pants and top for Abby... Alan stayed in the car with Mom because it was sprinkling at the start, but it soon stopped. It would have been too difficult to wheel Mom around. We just bought snacks and dropped the food off at the car... So, Mom was again the 'eating machine'.

We got back at 9pm and Mom went to bed. We were going to have our Family Time, but Alan wanted to watch the Australian Open, so we will have Family Time tomorrow.

I think we will rest tomorrow... We have been going out three days in a row... We will see... Alan was saying that maybe we'd go out to YangMing Mountain... or go bowling...

Daily Lovely Insight?

The day went by so fast... The weather was great even though the forecast had said rain... We enjoyed the day... at first we thought all the stores would be closed as we had gone to three in the morning, looking to buy some breakfast... But the Night Market was really crowded and most stores were opened! One thing people were buying was the scratch lottery tickets. I stood by one table and all three people who sat down WON, doubling their 'investment'! People were wishing everyone, Happy New Year... It sure was a nice feeling... Very festive! At one store, we talked to the shop owner and I shared Jesus with her. At the start of the 'New Year', I pray that people would turn their lives to Jesus!

Image result for God makes all things new

Seek Him First!



  1. that sound so so much fun and wish we were there with you and remembering all the night market times with you guys, chicken feet and all.... and eating that cricket with James in SHANHAI HAHAHA

  2. SanXing Old Street is so fascinating!
