Sunday, February 21, 2021


This morning, I rushed out before getting Mom showered to get some delicious bread and feta cheese. Yes, I splurge on the feta cheese! I also went to the library and paid a couple of bills at the 7/11. I also picked up the caffeine pills I ordered. They might help Mom to sleep more deeply at night instead of getting up to play with the light switch and flushing the toilet. We will see! I will let you know in my blog tomorrow!

We left for church at 2:30. Isaiah led worship and I didn't have to translate. The speaker's wife translated for him.

And tonight we had our Love Feast. We didn't have it for several weeks due to Covid-19. It was so nice to gather with everyone after the service!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The text for this evening's sermon was Romans 10:10-15!

Let us not shrink back from preaching and sharing the good news!

Image result for Romans 10:10-15

Seek Him First!

Image result for Psalm 67:1-2


  1. oh to have the love feast again is great

  2. I know... Everyone was so happy to stay around and chat!
