Monday, February 8, 2021

Another Busy Day!

A load of laundry and after Mom left, I went for a quick run.

I had counseling session from 11-3 and a friend came to visit at 3:30... 

Mom was home and I got her into the shower and eat her dinner... then when she went to bed, I took off to drop off things at the old house, pick up my new glasses and go to the dentist. No cavities... and got my teeth cleaned.

I made an appointment for Mom on March 6th, just before Annie's birthday. It's a gift for her! 

I got home and Abby was home... She learned to play the ukulele and now is very good at it... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I continue to read about Moses... and how the items made for the priests, so that they may be accepted before the LORD and for glory and for beauty... I think God is the best artist and designer... He cares about the details... And in Exodus 29:43, it says that the tabernacle will be sanctified by God's glory! So, our body, the temple of God, is sanctified by God's glory... What an awesome thought!

Image result for Exodus 29:43

Seek Him First!