Sunday, January 3, 2021

Hyper Mom Continues...

None of us slept much... Mom was up talking very very loudly and wanting us to wake up. This happened three times in the early morning hours... and each time it lasted anywhere from 15-30+ minutes! Finally, Alan got up and told her to go to sleep... Thankfully, I didn't have to translate today... And Eddie talked to Mom for 86 minutes... That gave me time to get some tasks done and rest for about 10 minutes! If this continues, we will have to make some major adjustments... Either Mom has to move to another apartment with a live-in helper or move her into a facility! We will cross that bridge when we come to it. But the kids and Alan all said, "If this continues for a week, the decision will have to be made sooner than later!" I agree! 

Other than that, the weather was beautiful... and the service was wonderful! Yes, Mom was hyper even at church. She wanted to eat and to walk around! The people were all very gracious and helpful!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The message was from Isaiah 40: 27-31!

The passage started with Jacob, or Israel or children of God complaining, questioning or whining about God, not hearing their prayers or seeing their plight or caring about their despair. The rest of the verses are to answer that doubt, that complaint, that sense of being abandoned.

We would complain, question or whine when we have forgotten who are God is... He is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. And He is the One who will sustain and renew when we are willing to be like an eagle and hope in Him. Eagles are different from sparrows. Eagles glide and know the ways of the wind or the Spirit. And to hope in Him means to wait upon Him, to learn to be still, to trust. It was a great message tonight just as I was feeling so tired from caring for my hyper Mom. Thank you God that you will help me to never grow tired or weary. 

So, this evening when Mom was ready for bed, she said to me, "I need to sleep through the night. I should not get up!" It was such a lucid moment like she knew what she had been doing these past two days! So... I will update you all tomorrow!

Seek Him First!



  1. I thought you already had a crock pot?

  2. I had posted that the inside pot is cracked! The other big crock pot, the inside completely split in half... I kept the base, hoping to find a replacement part!
