Saturday, January 2, 2021

Busy Day...

It was a very busy day... 

Mom was up EARLY, yelling for everyone to wake up!

I was having my time with God... Alan got up to ask her to go back to sleep.

Alan wigged his back and groin... He is being pushed around when we went out today!

Mom and Abby had a massage while I ran errands! The 90 minutes went by way too fast. 

When we picked them up, we headed out to JinShan as I found another great outdoor spa. But since Mom was with us, only Alan and Isaiah went. I drove to JinShan Old Street and Abby went around while I waited in the car with Mom. She talked almost NON STOPPED! We were in the car for almost two hours and I thought for sure she'd get tired or her mouth would be dried. NOPE!

Abby kept coming back to the car with more goodies... And yes, Mom ate almost NON STOPPED!

I drove back and picked up Alan and Isaiah. They had teppanyaki and yes, Mom ate more. Abby and I walked around more as I wanted to see the Old Street, even though most of the shops were closing up by the time we got there... I enjoy street food more than sitting down at the restaurant. 

We didn't get home until after 9 and Mom was still in a talkative mood! 

What an exhausting day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Enoch walked with God... Noah walked with God... and Lovely walks with God... That's what I had to keep reminding myself this day... I walk with God and God walks with me. Praise the LORD!

Seek Him First!


  1. You cannot imagine... We are all feeling exhausted. Please pray! This cannot go on... Her yelling when we are all trying to sleep!
