Thursday, August 13, 2020

Very Limited!

I spent the day resting...

No walk...

I did tutor...

I did run a few errands...

But I just spent the day resting... and resting... and resting some more!

I wanted to go to the gym for some light weight workout or a quick walk on the treadmill... but NO!

I bought celery and bananas and cucumbers and papayas... I made it into a juice and drank it. I took my vitamins...

And I'm praying... praying... praying...

Daily Lovely Insight:

Nehemiah 2:2 says that Nehemiah was much afraid when the king asked why he looked sad! In those days, it seems that the cup bearers for the king had to have a happy face at all times unless they were ill! A few more verses down, Nehemiah 2:20 says,
We Prepared to Rebuild the Walls - She Reads Truth - She Reads Truth
I think this about summarizes Nehemiah's attitude in all that he undertook...

It's ok to be afraid... We need to remember who our God is and to pray... He will grant us success!

I need that reassurance during this time of forced rest!

Seek Him First!
Bible Verses KJV on Twitter: "Proverbs 19:21 KJV There are many ...