Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thunder Showers All Day...

The rain never stopped today... So, yes, I went for a run in the rain after finishing up tutoring.

Kurtis did not get any more notices for interviews... not yet. But he did apply for three more jobs and he got his last class! So, three classes... now, let's pray for three interviews... in order to get a solid (full-time) job!

I asked Kurtis to clean the ceiling fans as I can't reach them. And that was a big help. I also told him to go and get a haircut as it's only 100NT$ here (of course, he gave her a 100NT$ tip!). And he looked really great! After he came back, I did laundry as I wanted to get all of Kurtis stuff together for tomorrow.

I worked on completing my Bible study materials... and yes, the day went by way too fast!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Andrew Reed (1787-1862)
"I was born yesterday; I shall die tomorrow; I must not spend today in telling what I have done, but in doing what I may for Him who has done so much for me!" This man opened many asylums, hospitals, orphanages to help those who were less fortunate all for the glory of God...

Seek Him First!
Chasing the clouds away...