Saturday, May 30, 2020

Kurtis Has Arrived Safely... And Other Things...

Yes, we got the message that Kurtis had arrived. The plane was actually early... I wonder how full that flight was...

Mom had her massage today. While she was there, I went to Costco to buy vitamin C, chewing gum and patches. I rode the bike back and then ran errands, including combining all our cell phone bills into one. Trying to save the earth!

And our usual is now taking the bus and walking back. I forced Mom to walk about 500 meters. She did very well.

I had made curry chicken with rice and broccoli. She had a great dinner and pineapple slices.

After she went to bed, I baked -- blueberry bread -- and checked my emails and helped a friend find the instruction manual for a dual function oven/steamer. That machine is amazing!

Abby had her last internship and went to the workout room. Isaiah was home all day... I cut his hair, too!

Tonight after Abby came back, we had our weekly family time!

Daily Lovely Insight:
Proverbs 16: 3, 9, 33
Scripture Memory Verse Proverbs 16:3 (5.11.18) - Harvest Chapel ...
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps ...
Buy Elben Creatives Bible Verse Wall Frame: Every Decision is from ...
These verses just spoke to my heart about the sovereign almighty control of our God. Even when mountain shakes and turmoils abound, God is holding all things in His hands. I wrote to one sister that there are just too many weird things going on these days...

Seek Him First!
August 17 - 365PROMISES