Saturday, April 3, 2021

This Is April 3rd...

The blog for yesterday didn't post until today, April 3rd... But that was actually for yesterday... 

Alan and I got up early. Alan went to exercise and I went to have my quiet time. It was so nice...

At 9:15, we got the kids up and we all went to the buffet breakfast! Very delicious.

We then headed off to the Taiping Suspension Bridge. On the way, we stopped at the Bamboo Garden and walked the 'suspension' path and took pictures of the cherry blossom. The flowers are all in bloom... 

The Taiping Bridge also had an Old Street. We went there and bought lots of snacks... So yummy!

It took an hour to get to our lodging. By the time we got to the B&B, Alan was too tired to drive to the Night Market... With the mountain roads, the distance isn't long, but the drive is strenuous. I went for a short run as it's quite mountainous, but the weather was perfect. We found out about the early morning train up to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise. So, that means we will have to get up at 3am and be on the last train at 5am, if we want to make it. We hope to have a sunrise service for Resurrection Sunday. 

I had brought instant noodles and snacks and Costco cookies. That's what we feasted on for dinner!

We had our family time and went to bed fairly early!

The B&B had a huge BBQ pit and other guests brought food and were out BBQing!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The LORD showed me an image of what life has been like and how I've been feeling. It's like the spin cycle of a washing machine. It just goes around and around at a very fast speed. That was what life has been like for me in these past few years... Always feeling rushed, rushed, rushed... spin, spin, spin... Sometimes, I just go, go, go... No wonder I got shingles again... No wonder the frozen shoulder... and yes, no wonder I got a simple cold (I have not had a cold for years... Maybe 40 years!) And this vacation is God pressing the pause button so that I can just be still... stop the spinning and rest! I think we need this more often. I want to commit to having regular time of rest... And the only way is with Mom at the overnight facility. Alan, the kids and I all feel more rested and sane... We are more relaxed... I have even started rushing through my quiet time... And this morning, I didn't... I just sat and rested... This vacation is a gift from God!

Seek Him First!


  1. Yes it is time to SLOW down and take care of your body. Praying for all of you.

    1. Thank you, Mom Bea! People need to pause from the spin cycle of life!
