Saturday, April 24, 2021

Cheering People On...

I was cheering people on all day... 

Isaiah had basketball games in Danhsui. Alan, Abby and Isaiah left at 6am! Isaiah's team won both of their games against some tough teams and will move forward to the finals... Abby was doing the scoring... She hopefully will get paid as she was there the whole day!

Another event was in Taidong. Two groups of people from our church joined the 113 Tri-Relay. Yes, I was invited and so was Abby. We were trying to form a HOP Women's team. But I couldn't take the time away as they left on Friday and won't be back until late Sunday! One team came in 6th and the other team came in 32nd out of a field of 116 mixed relay teams! Swim 1.9k, Ride 90k, Run 21k! 

I then went to donate blood while the two hour massage was happening!

Isaiah went out with Vikki!

Alan and I enjoyed a nice evening together... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

As I promised, I wanted to talk about the second part of Romans 12: 1-2. Do not be conformed... but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... How do you renew your mind? We renew our body with rest, recreation and nutrients. But to renew your mind? Read books? Pray? Memorize God's word? Spend time with joyful people? Listen to music? "Empty" your mind? Focus on positive thoughts?

I've been asking God... Transformation comes through a relationship with God. When we are connected to Him, the Holy Spirit resides in our lives... and definitely in our thoughts. So, renewing our mind starts with living in the reality of the Truth of God's many promises. His promises and His Holy Spirit make us NEW each day. Get our mind tank filled with all things of God, and not of the world! Another thing that I would suggest is to remove distractions. Daily renewal comes when we also see and remove the many distractions around us. We are bombarded with so much information that actually bog us down, instead of lift and renew our mind. We are plagued with anxieties because of all the information we receive on a daily basis. It's an overload that we need to hit delete and remove. Each day ask God to bring clarity to His purpose and His priorities. 

I saw a cartoon of Charlie Brown and Snoopy... 

Charlie Brown says, "We only live once." to which Snoopy replies, "No, we only die once. We live every day."

May we live worthy of the God we worship!

Seek Him First!

Psalm-67:1,2 – Stephen Spivey

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