Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Good Sessions - Start of the New Bible Study and Tutoring!

Put in another load of laundry before Mom left this morning... 

Made the salad for my Bible study and went over at 10am.

We're starting a new study from the book of Psalms. The food and the fellowship ... just so blessed to be a part of this group of ladies.

I got back at 1:45, put things away and rushed off for tutoring.

On the way back from tutoring (And I had a great session with my student... he is still moving towards learning to read!), I went to Carrefour. Great stuff on "Special"... cashews, strawberry milk, salad dressing! I had two huge bags of stuff and my teaching materials to lug back home... 

Got home, put everything away, made dinner for Mom and laid down for a quick power nap and the phone rang!

I had to bake tonight for the Bible study tomorrow. And I went for a quick run this evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

We talked about worship and our first psalm will be Psalm 29:

Psalm 29:1-2 – Walking in Faith Daily

Psalm 29:11 - Psalm of Peace - Bible Verse

How beautiful to consider worship as ascribing to the LORD glory and praise... 

There are many roadblocks to worship, such as distractions, laziness, sins, unanswered prayers, doubts... 

And as we talked, we all want to grow and make worship a daily constant part of our lives, not just when we are with other believers, not just in our morning time. 

Since for all eternity we will be worshipping, I think it's best to start practicing now1

Seek Him First

!Psalm 67:2-4 #472


  1. I think if you didn't cook so much you would have more time, maybe consider BUYING food???????

  2. I do buy pizza from Costco about twice a month!

  3. BUY MORE MORE and MORE !!!!!!!

  4. I took your advice... spent US$6 to buy things to supplement the rice and veggies!
