Monday, April 26, 2021

Another Fast Paced Day!

First thing, my church friends who went to the Challenge Taiwan 113 lined me and asked if I'd join them for next year. A group wants to do the Challenge Taiwan 226 and needs a runner. I said YES, as long as it isn't on Sunday. They assured me that it is on Saturday, April 23, 2022.  I'm excited... I'll be a year older, so maybe a bit slower... 

I helped Isaiah write a letter requesting for 50% scholarship waiver. We haven't sent it yet. 

Then right around noon time, I went for a run. It was hot!

I came back, showered and headed out the door as I meet up with a gal to pray together!

I rushed home and it was online tutoring for an hour, but I had to stop to go and pick up Mom. Then after Mom was finished with dinner, I went back to tutoring. Alan and Abby were back late, so I didn't head out to my tap dancing until 7pm and arrived late! Today's class was a lot more manageable... 

I came back and cooked for tomorrow... Wow... and cleaned up the house and put everything away. And blogged... 

I felt so tired because last night, I went to tutor and Alan didn't give Mom the right pill. The WHITE pill! So, she was up banging and clapping and flushing the toilet. The Center asked what happened because Mom actually took a nap. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

This morning without knowing what the day was going to be like, God gifted me with this verse from Psalm 78:26. 

God indeed was the strength of my heart and my portion. Throughout the day, I called upon Him to lift me up and He did! I hope that each morning, you'd spend time with God as He knows what you need and He wants to feed you and ready you for the day! God is your portion FOREVER!

psalm 73 chiastic structureSeek Him First!

Church of Christ of Santa Clara - Sunrise Scriptures - Psalm 67:1-2 |  Facebook


  1. make sure he gives the WHITE one, maybe more than one weekend a month? Two? You will have more time

  2. and ask for 100% scholarship why nopt????
