Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Weather Might Cool Down!

Today was a double service day...

And it was so hot... but the news said that perhaps by Wednesday of this week... there might be one day of cooler weather...

Ok... back to my day...

I left early as I wanted to stop by the fruit stand to buy dragon fruits for the Chinese congregation. Last month I had said that whenever I pass this particular shop on the way to speak at their church, God always blesses me with dragon fruits at the lowest price. So, as part of my sermon, I wanted to buy some for their love feast. When I arrived at the service, the greeter took the dragon fruits in the back in order to cut them up for their luncheon.

During the announcement time at the end of the service, the pastor stood up... and said, "God must love us very much, because today, without talking to each other, three people bought and brought dragon fruits. A lady in the congregation dropped off dragon fruit. The pastor's spouse bought dragon fruit last night and now, our speaker just dropped off 14 BIG dragon fruits for our lunch! There was a unity of the Spirit moving!" What an amazing thing!

That was the morning service. This afternoon at HOP, there were more people than the usual. I thought printing up 30 of my handout packets would be enough, but they went and got 11 more printed out. Praise the Lord. That meant we had 41 ADULTS in the congregation! I am praying that Jesus would double the number of people in our congregation by January 28, 2018! When our pastor resigned, we dropped to 28-30 people... so, I'm praying for 60 ADULTS in our congregation. I'm praying that people will invite others to come...

I came home and put away everything and started doing housework as I had no time to do anything this day -- clothes to fold and put away, floor to mop and general tidying up!

It has been such a blessed day...

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 65: 13