Friday, December 28, 2018

Looking Forward to 2019 -- Isaiah

What are the things that Isaiah is looking forward to in 2019?

1. Leading the Soochow University Tennis Team to the Nationals
2. Doing well in all my classes even though I am double majoring in English and International Trade. I hope to get two scholarships at the end of each semester. Not only the scholarship because Dad is teaching at Soochow, but an additional scholarship from the International Trade Department because of my high GPA.
3. I continue to pray for Vikki and her family to come to know Jesus!
4. More steady and stable tutoring jobs. I have to earn my own pocket money, which includes paying for my own gas and scooter maintenance.
5. Being more involved in leading worship at HOP.
6. Playing on the Soochow University English Department Basketball Team and going on tournaments
7. Trips abroad this year, including a few days in Washington DC after the summer cruise!

Seek Him First!
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