Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mistakes Made Thus Far...

Well, we're here at St. Pancras International... where we are to catch the Eurostar to Brussels and then a train to Antwerp.

I've realized all the mistakes we've made thus far:

1. booking twice for the bus to and from Edinburgh -- wasted 78 pounds. Once booked in June another booked in July. I saw the double booking and we should have canceled... and maybe would have received a refund. But now, it's too late.

2. forgetting the passport -- wasted 60 pounds and time. Isaiah had it mailed, priority, but the postal service went on strike. So, it's now stuck in Coventry. Isaiah then had to buy train tickets to Coventry and another train ticket from Coventry to London.

3. reading the incorrect ticket -- wasted half a day. The Eurostar booking and ticket were not printed out, so somehow, Isaiah and I thought we were to catch the 9:01 Eurostar. We rushed to get here and then when we checked, we are to take the 3:04 Eurostar and won't be arriving in Antwerp until 7:23pm. WAHHHH... a day gone.

Well... I have to keep rejoicing... keep giving thanks... for that's the word of God! And this trip has been such a joy... even with these detours and mistakes... Isn't that true with life?

So, for our last day in Edinburgh, we went to Sir Giles Cathedral, and attended the noontime simple service. We also went to the Museum on the Mound and cracked the safe, which meant we got a set of free postcards. The sweet lady also gave us a pence so that we could do the penny press! Then we crossed the street and was at the Writers' Museum. I also had the chance to pray with one gal whose back was in pain. I helped out people who were trying to decide what to buy for their loved one. And we hung out with Duncan and Lily more... 

The bus ride is not that great... I've decided that next time, I'd splurge and take the train. The time on the bus is long and you really don't sleep well... plus I didn't get to see much of the scenery!

Today, I will go and run around while Isaiah and Abby stay here with the luggage. We will most likely buy something before we get on the Eurostar. Nancy has been so kind... she says she will have dinner ready when we arrive this evening. I will sleep well tonight!

Until my next blog... God is good... God is faithful... Stay focus on God... not on the circumstances. Rejoice always... Abide in Him!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I read Hosea this morning while on the bus for my time with Jesus. It was a short time of prayer, reading and journaling... but God wanted to use Hosea to share with us His heart of love for those who stray. And traveling through Edinburgh or the UK, I've seen how far we've strayed from the heart of God. And still, God reaches out to His straying people and pays the price to buy us back. Glory Hallelujah... 

Seek Him First!

Image result for II Peter 3:9