Friday, February 4, 2022

What A Drive!

It was difficult to say good-bye... The time went by too fast!

We drove to Aaron and Jean's farm. What a blessing to see what the LORD has done at their place! They have chickens and veggies and fruit trees... And their house is beautiful!

We then started the drive up to TouCheng. We stopped at several places... but the stinky tofu line was too long... the line at the onion cake place was too long... We finally settled on a dinner box, bubble milk tea, and fried stuff! YUMMY!

Then the drive was horrendous... Alan did a great job! 

We stopped to get gas and had to go to the bathroom as we didn't know how long it was before we'd get there! It was like a parking lot... the GPS just kept moving arrival time back... 

We finally got to our friend's place (at 12:00am) and the place was spectacular! Stunning... the view... Abby wants to stay here for a week! She says it's better than a 6-star hotel!

Daily Lovely Insight:

God knits people's heart together... no matter the distance or the time between visits, prayer connects us! There is comfort knowing that our Faithful God will carry us through every season of our lives.

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630


  1. still no pics........ you having too much fun

  2. wait you went from Taidong all the way back almost to Taipei wowowow

  3. Yes, that was a very long congested drive!
