Monday, February 21, 2022

Cold & Wet... And Joyous!

 It was a wet and cold day... but very productive!

A bit discouraging as I tried to call more places... the waiting list is long every where... I don't think I can find a place for her to go to by March 1st! The place that has a bed but not suitable called and I told her, "No thanks!" Last year in April I said No Thanks to Daoshen. I really regretted it... Hindsight is 20/20!

Without Mom here, we do two loads a week of laundry! That's it. Meal planning and meal time are so much easier.  I went out for a run in the cold... and raining... weather... Totally great!

Prayer time at 4pm. Counseling at 7:30. Another session at 9:30. In between I got to talk to Isaiah about his job application. 

My left shoulder was bothering me quite a bit today... Please keep praying!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Yes, it was quite discouraging looking at a list of 211 nursing homes and after calling about 10% of them, there was nothing available! The cost starts at about 1,000US$ and goes up to 2,000US$. Sure, it's still better than being in the States, but I've discovered that it's a lucrative business, running these nursing homes! 48 beds, charging 1000US$ a month... can you imagine?!?!?!

I trust God to know what's best for Mom... 

Two friends are helping me to look... And here in Taiwan, it's all about connections... perhaps one of them will have a connection to a place and BOOM... a bed becomes available!

I walk by faith, not by sight! SO, I choose to rejoice, even when nothing is available... even when I do know what we will do this summer... even when... 

We walk by faith, not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7 – –

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630


  1. LA GUAN SHI God will provide I remember that phrase hahaha

  2. I have the best GUAN SHI! GOD ALMIGHTY!
