Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Bed Is Available!

What a morning of receiving calls... several calls... quite miraculous!

One place in ShiZhi but it didn't look great. I was going to scooter over to look. But then I received another call... a place in Ilan has a sudden opening! The director sounded super nice. They run a day care program and are willing to transport Mom to the day care program as long as I am willing to pay for the cost of the transportation. The pictures he sent looked so nice. The rooms are clean and lots of windows! I decided YES. I will take it!

Then it was madness--- scrambling to get another physical exam and PCR test! I had to book both! Another 250US$! I will pick Mom up on Friday and get her to get these tests done! It's going to be very interesting. 

Then I will drop her off and I will need to get things ready. On Saturday at 4pm, I have to go and pick up the test results and on Monday, pick Mom up and drive to Ilan!

The cost for her stay at Daoshen will be about 1300US$. And the monthly cost for Evergreen will be about 1200US$ per month, plus any 'extra' expenses. We shall see. I do plan to go and visit at least once a month. We like that area... And it's a fast drive, if we don't go on a holiday weekend. 

I tutored from 4-5pm and then had Bible study from 7-9pm. Abby had basketball practice and then she took off for tutoring. No class for her. Alan was at school all day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

If you read my entry yesterday, you might have sense the discouragement, calling so many places and getting nothing... 

And then today... God worked through prayer... I knew God would provide the best place for Mom... I just wanted her to stay at Daoshen as that would mean less 'hassle' for me. But the LORD had other plans. This place is farther... but I like the fact that she can still go to a day care program, perhaps with singing and dancing. I also hope that she will continue to sing songs from God's Word. I will talk to the director there and find out! Please pray that there will be people who like her enjoy talking! I will keep you posted. Please keep praying!

Keep Praying » New World United Methodist Church

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630