Monday, December 13, 2021

Tiring Day!

I felt so tired... like I am really a year older! 

My wrist hurts... My back hurts... 

So I gave myself time to rest after an exhausting morning cleaning after Mom left!

Then Abby was going to take her graduation pictures and she forgot her student ID. So I ran over there to give it to her. I took the mountain pass back! Good relaxing run!

The box for donation arrived. Elaine came at 3pm. So, we chatted until 7pm. Mom was back and ate her dinner and I got her to bed!

Then I went down to pack the box! They will pick up tomorrow!

Isaiah called and we had time to chat before Family Time!

Daily Lovely Insight:

II Tim. 4:7

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Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Prayers and Petitions