Thursday, December 23, 2021

Cleaning Up the Shoe Cabinet & Back Balcony

Those two tasks were on my to-do list and by 2pm I had finished! I was so thrilled with the results!

The front door looks so much more organized! And the back balcony is neatly stacked! 

And yes, I had to do another load of laundry, editing and tested the three CD players I had! What am I doing with three CD players? Because only two of them worked properly!

I went for a run and came home and finished up a few more tasks!

And all too soon, Mom was back! I wanted to take a nap, but no time for that... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

One Christian decluttering expert mentioned this which I thought was quite interesting: cluttering is a sign of a lack of trust towards God! People hoard thinking God won't provide when they need something, so they keep everything for the 'what if...' I guess it's like the Israelites who gathered more manna and found on the next day that it was filled with worms. But when God instructed them to gather more, the manna did not have worms!

Jan 28 – Exodus 16-18; Matthew 19:16-30 – BREAD FROM HEAVEN – GOSPEL ON  REPEAT

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Prayers and Petitions