Monday, December 6, 2021

A Productive Catch-Up Day!

Yes, it was a very productive day... 

Doing another load of laundry, making Mom's bed, getting the White Elephant Gifts organized, putting away the clothes, cooking for my Bible study and NSB... I even had a short nap and a good run! The weather was splendid.

I also had to do some editing... and I'm not finished with two more projects, plus my message for this coming Sunday!

I had NSB tonight... and we always have a great time! The only thing was the rain, which made riding over there a bit more difficult... I just don't like my shoes being wet!

Abby had tutoring but Alan was home.

Daily Lovely Insight:

I'm reading Tim Keller's book on Walking with God through Pain and Suffering. I had such an insight that I must share it with you. Keller talked about Elisabeth Elliot's novel, No Graven Image. In the novel, the translator depended on one man to help with the work of getting the Bible into that tribe's language. But when he fell sick, Margaret, the translator, administered a dose of penicillin, which ended up killing him. The work is halted and the book ends with a very confused young missionary. How can God do this? The last page had this line: "God, if He was merely my accomplice, had betrayed me. If, on the other hand, He was God, He had freed me." And through a lecture, Keller understood what that meant. Suffering treats God as the infinite, sovereign, all-wise, and yet incarnate and suffering God that He is.... And if we do... we will find, as Elisabeth Elliot argues, a rest not based on circumstances. 

Here is what Elliot says, "God is God. I dethrone Him in my heart if I demand that He act in ways that satisfy my idea of justice. It is the same spirit that taunted, "If Thou be the Son of God, come down from the Cross." There is unbelief, there is even rebellion, in the attitude that says, "God has no right to do this to five men unless..." (Five men referring to the men who died trying to reach out to the Waorani tribe.)

Two more quotes from her:

too-busy-quote-from-elisabeth-elliot - Janelle Knutson

Elisabeth Elliot quote: This hard place in which you perhaps find yourself  is...

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Prayers and Petitions

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