Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Very Unusually Relaxing Day

The morning is always hectic as I have at least one load of laundry to do... today, it was two loads!

After Mom took off, I finished cleaning up the house and at 11:47, went for a run. The weather was delightful, but I was running to Flora Spa to meet up with Abby for a 90-minute oil massage! I can't tell you how good it felt... 

We rode back home and Abby went to Soochow as she is assisting some of the gals from her basketball team with a weight workout. I came home and stopped off to mail a calendar for Isaiah. Yes, it's totally not worth the cost, but still... I did it!

I had dinner ready for Mom and she was home right on time. I worked on reading over Isaiah's essay and checked my email. When Mom went to bed, we took off to the New Taipei Light Show! Fabulously fun!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Usually in our annual updates, we include our prayer requests for the next year. So, here they are:

1. Plans for this summer. Traveling is more complicated than ever. So, Alan's trip to the States? Abby and I to the UK and then to Germany? How about Isaiah?

2. Isaiah's job options. Should he stay in the UK and work for two years or return and work in Taipei?

3. Abby's graduation in June. She needs one class in the Spring semester, so hopefully she gets it. Or else, it's bad news for Abby!

4. House of Praise: We are still in search of a pastoral couple and perhaps moving to a new site. 

5. Soochow University: Alan is not in charge of the ICEE Week, but he is still very involved. Please pray for all the planning that needs to take place and for a great turn out of teachers and students alike.

6. Isaiah's completion of his master's degree: All the tests and assignments, as well as his involvement with the church and campus ministries.

7. For us, individually and as a family, to shine for Jesus!

Living Christian on Twitter: "In every decision, in ever choice, seek God.  Think about everything you do and make sure it is to glorify God." / Twitter

Seek Him First!

What Does “Not Willing That Any Should Perish” Mean? A Commentary on 2  Peter 3:9

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