Saturday, December 4, 2021

A Run-Around Day

Last night was a 'noisy' night. Mom was very active!

So, this morning, she was up but went back to bed. So, I went out to run a bunch of errands! I got back in 30 minutes!

Abby had gone to do stats for a basketball tournament near our home. The pay wasn't great. Only about 5.50 an hour! She was quite disappointed. At least it was only about 10 minutes away.

Alan went to do a short run and stretch as his calf is still in recovery.

I got Mom into the shower and she ate... a lot! She got to talk to Annie! Then she went back to bed, but throughout the day, she made so many messes... It was so frustrating! I thought she'd be more sleepy... 

I went out for a real run! The weather was great. I got back and Abby came home. She had to prep as she went out for a movie with friends from church!

I took Mom to a Christian bookstore as I wanted to buy a few things for my Soochow Bible study kids. This coming Wednesday is our last time for this semester!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Today was a character building day... I hate the smell... and it was not a relaxing day! God is my all sufficiency and strength! I was crying out to Him... 

I just have to post this verse again! This was the reality of today!

uphold me with your righteous right hand – ammo + graceSeek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Prayers and Petitions