Friday, February 14, 2020

Tickets Refunded... Lunch Out... Plumbers Visited... Valentine's Day!

I expected today to be busy...and I was correct...

We headed down to Nangang Train Station and the tickets were refunded and new ones in hand...

Then I had bought coupons to a nice lunch place... and indeed the food was great! It was a nice Valentine's Day celebration... we had Abby with us! Super nice!
Image result for happy valentine's day

We headed back and I had the interview to do... but I also had to contact several plumbers. One came, two more tomorrow! They will give me the quote by Monday and we hopefully will start work ASAP!

Kurtis dropped by as he didn't wan to go back to his dorm before tutoring... I'm glad he had to move dorm. But he will move back by 2/29!

Isaiah spent the day with Vikki...

I went for a run this evening after the down pour... it was very nice as it was quite hot this morning...

I bought 10 bottles of very strong lemon juice and started Mom on it... Thank you for your prayers... She is doing well... the cough is almost all gone... if only she would sleep more... Annie is coming with a huge bottle of NIGHTTIME cough syrup... THANK YOU, Annie... THANK YOU, GOD!

Seek Him First!
Image result for II Chronicles 20:15


  1. It would have been better without all the rushing around with the plumbers...
