Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Major Changes!

I think it's official -- The universities won't start until 3/2! Can you believe that? And the semester won't end until July 4th. The finals will be from June 29th to July 4th! International Schools have opted to start back on 2/25. Most of the local schools, high school and under, will start back on that date! It's crazy!

Several parents have asked if I can increase my tutoring hours... as the school has assigned on line homework that the students must complete! I'm not sure how many hours I will have...

The day flew by...

Abby and I had a massage... and then I had to run errands...

I did squeeze in a run before Mom came back...

This evening I had to go and buy milk and pay a few bills...

And we ended the evening with watching TV.

Oh... Alan is slowly recovering... If he coughs, he feels sharp pain... But he is still exercising... nothing stops him from that!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 29:1


  1. I can't get Kurt to do it... as these are my old students... and he leaves in May.
