Saturday, December 28, 2019


It was an early start for everyone today... Abby headed out to her basketball competition and Alan took Isaiah over to his... Isaiah won one and lost one... Abby had an easy first game and a very close second game... 

I worked on our newsletter and got it printed and will send it out on Monday! 

The weather was nice, so I took Mom out for a walk... She went only once around the block and said she was ready to go back... 

We had our family time this evening and watched some TV... 

Here is Alan's answers to my three questions!

Verse of Focus for 2020:
Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Reflections of 2019:
As I look back over 2019 it has been a year in which I have experienced a sense of anxiety as well as a time of joy and personal reflection.  As a father of two adult children who this November turned 20 and 21, I have experienced many personal struggles in how to challenge them in overcoming the temptations that they face as young adults yet giving them the freedom to grow in making their own decisions.   Through all this one positive thing that has come about is the increase in prayer and being more connected and united with Lovely. More than ever before we realized the importance of time to pray together as a couple as we team together to be parents. We love our children immensely and yet release them daily into the hands of our Heavenly Father as they mature and develop in their own unique giftedness. The realization that we are in a spiritual battle for our children was the theme that rang deep in my heart throughout 2019. The Lord brought many experiences that helped me bond with my adult children in deeper and more rewarding ways. A highlight of this past year was celebrating my mother’s 90th birthday on a cruise as well as with family and old friends in Washington D.C.
Prayer Requests for 2020:
To become more reliant and confident in God’s plan and power than to dwell on the issues that I have no ability to solve or control.
To daily acknowledge that God’s plans and timing are higher than mine and I want to release my children into His hands and not try to figure out solutions but to trust in my Heavenly Father more.
To plan the 2020 English Cultural Week at Soochow University sponsored by the English Department at the end of April.
To seek for a suitable pastoral couple for HOP and to arrange speakers. As the main overseer, it will be almost three years that HOP has gone without a pastoral couple.
To see Isaiah and Abigail involved in a great internship in 2020--an experience that would prove valuable for their personal growth and for making connections for their future job possibilities. Isaiah will be starting his senior year in September 2020 and it is very possible that he will graduate with a double major by May of 2021 since he is cranking out and taking a full load every semester! It usually takes five years, but Isaiah just might do it in four! And Abby is not far behind!  

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 148: 1