Saturday, May 26, 2018

Shopping at the Train Station Mall

Yes, I spent the entire afternoon shopping with Abby and Mom!

Abby had borrowed two dresses, but she didn't feel comfortable wearing the one she really liked as she felt it was a bit too tight.  So, since we had to buy her a nice pair of black shoes, we decided to see what we can find.

We walked and walked and walked...

Finally at 5:30, we were too tired to decide. So, we had dinner at the mall and then continued...

We found two beautiful outfits and decided to buy both! And yes, we also found the shoes. That was easier than the dress!

Now we are set for her graduation on Friday. Not only will they be playing a song she wrote, she is going to audition with a classmate to perform a dance routine! The audition is set for tomorrow morning at 8-10am! She is a very busy girl!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 23: 6


  1. hurray, abby, graduation is such a big event !!!!

  2. We are so excited for her... I also bought coupons for afternoon tea at a fancy buffet restaurant!

  3. Great Abby your gift will be when you come to US. Love YOU.

  4. Oh Mom Bea... I thank you... on behalf of Abby!
