Sunday, May 20, 2018

Another Extremely Hot Day!

It's way too hot... And it looks like the whole week will be like this... We're going to melt...

I can't take my mom out as it's sweltering hot outside...

So, we just hung out at home... and I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned...

Church was great... I spoke from Philippians 1:6!

I felt as if I was going to lose my voice as I got so excited with the message of the book of Philippians.

Keep me in your prayers... and Keep my mom and all of us in your prayers.

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 5:20


  1. I am praying for all of you and I know you will be glad to come to USA. It is in the low 70's and not much sun. I love it.

  2. My mom is going to say it's too cold!
