Saturday, November 21, 2015

The 24hour Ultra -- "I Complete"

Today started the 24hour Ultra Marathon at Soochow University, I Complete. For 24hours, these elite runners will be going around and around a track. I didn't go to watch and I did not go for a run. The day went by too fast and honestly, I was too tired. So, when I had an hour, I took a nap. It felt so good!

Here is one person's write up on his blog (Bald Runner) about the ultra at Soochow University back in 2010 --
  1. I was surprised to see that the Japanese runners had a short, quick and fast strides but consistent throughout the event. Sekiya maintained a time of 1:58-2:03 minutes per lap while Mami Kudo maintained a time of 2:30-2:35 minutes per lap. Sekiya whose height could be a good basketball player did not use his long legs for a longer stride. He was a perfect sample of a runner with an economy of motion.
  2. Runners started to hydrate (while running) after completing two laps. The water bottle used has the same size with that of the Yakult Drinks. This drinking of water is done repeatedly every two laps. Eating was also done while they are running. Such foods were placed in small plastic container trays with cover which could be grasped by the hand. Foods consist of sliced fruits and nuts.
  3. Runners were all “shuffling”, maintaining a consistent pace.  After four hours of running, the runners had to change the direction from counter clockwise to clockwise and so on.
I'm not sure if Mami Kudo is at this year's ultra, but she is 51 years old!

Ryoichi Sekiya is 48 years old!

I went for a longer run yesterday and my leg muscles are sore today. I don't know how these runners do it.

I guess one thing for use -- I like their running strides -- just shuffling and maintaining a consistent pace. I don't keep to that pace... but I do shuffle along!

Seek Him First!

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