Thursday, November 19, 2015

A First!

In case you don't know -- I have an extreme fear of cockroaches. Just the big ones -- the ones that can fly -- the ones that move after being hit.

Today, in the morning, being home by myself, I pulled a folder from a cabinet in the kitchen and one HUMONGOUS cockroach came out. I jumped. Screamed. Freaked out. And threw the folder on it. I knew it was not hit hard enough and that it woudl soon be running out. In that split second, I knew what I had to do -- I had to jump on that folder to squash it. But I couldn't move. I stood there -- frozen, nailed to the ground. It was God that lifted me and I found myself on top of the folder. I heard the sound... oh... for those who do not suffer such a phobia, you won't understand.

There in the kitchen, I stood. Now what?  Leave the folder on the ground until Alan comes home? Lift up the folder and clean up the carcass?

I walked around as I couldn't decide.

Finally, I pulled a small stack of tissue and armed with tissue in one hand, I lifted the folder and threw the tissue on top of the carcass. I couldn't even look as it was still moving!!!!!!!!!!

Then, I walked around some more as I had to now use my hand to wipe the carcass up and dispose of it. The stack of tissue was not thick enough.

I won't go into all the details as if the above description has not surfficed.

But this was the first time I have actually killed a cockroach in my 54 years of life on earth!

I hope I won't have to do it again! It still freaks me out, thinking about it.

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 119: 159


  1. you wimp !!!! my friend breeds them and my girls LOVE LOVE them, i get a pair of chopsticks and grab them and feed them to the girls one by one......

  2. I don't know how you could do it. Of course, my fear comes from when you turned off the lights when I was like three years old and sitting in the bathtub. When mom turned the lights back on to get me out, there were like 5 cockroaches on me and even in my hair! I was traumatized!
