Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Thunder Showers... Finally!

I had to do two loads of laundry today... A bit busy... Mom's hygiene habits were a bit overwhelming... Thankfully, she slept early... 

I did go for a run in the thunder shower... thrilling! Alan told me just to go... As there were still more to do!

I think we will be doing on line service for a while, so Alan has lined me up to share on May 30th. I will talk on Psalm 37. Please pray as I prepare! I will use my evenings when Mom is in bed... I should be able to get at least two hours of concentrated time. The massage place called... Can't do massage for Mom... at least for two weeks. So... we are really stuck at home!

I had planned to meet someone for lunch tomorrow, but we will meet online!

There was another increase of over 200 confirmed cases... 

Isaiah went to work... Abby and Alan had classes on line!

Daily Lovely Insight:

This psalm starts with good advice, especially for a time like this: Do Not Fret! It can mean, do not get heated up or do not get all worked up... Do not be anxious... So, it was good advice for me especially with the day I had... Thank you, God. He knew!

Alan found out that school has extended online learning for the rest of the semester. They are not going back into the classroom... So... now I'm wondering about my Mom... 

The LORD says, "DO NOT FRET". 

Thank you Jesus!

Do not fret.. Psalm 37:1-2

Seek Him First!

psalm 67 chiastic structure


  1. DO NOT fret you always say that to me now the whole country needs that

  2. I do... Pray without ceasing... I can't imagine being locked down for MONTHS and Mom having NO ACTIVITIES!
