Sunday, September 8, 2019

Alan Is Back!

Yes, after a month, Alan has safely arrived back in Taipei. We didn't have much time to unpack as we had to head straight to church. Isaiah was leading worship.

After church, Kurtis went to tutor and we all came home. After busying with Mom and she finally headed off to bed, we worked on putting things away... and Kurtis had quite a pile of stuff. I will have to drive the car over to Soochow and drop things off for him tomorrow or on Tuesday! We also have one suitcase to store in Alan's office!

Alan starts school tomorrow and so do the kids!

Isaiah and Abby figured out that they have a lot of classes to add! Hopefully by the end of this week, they would have at least 21 credits! We shall see.

Kurtis came to church, and it was great to see him. I had packed two bags of stuff for him... I hope he can come every week!

Seek Him First!
Image result for John 16:33


  1. Yes, I was going to email you... He is back and he is already asleep... But he did get up to watch the Chargers game!
