Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Always Lots To Do

At the end of the day, I am always surprised how fast it sped by.

I started with organizing Isaiah's closet and drawers. Why would I do this?  His sweet cousin, Kurtis, has joined the rank of being a college student. Thus, he cleaned out his room and moved up to Berkeley. Alan brought back at least 7 pairs of his nice shorts and two shirts plus some almost like new underwear. Isaiah's closet and drawers could not squeeze more clothes. So, I had to revamp everything and see what fits and what can be given away from what he already had. When that task was done, I was on the phone. By the time I hung up, I had run the phone battery down to nothing!

I rushed off to meet up with a sweet sister, Ellen, who is set to return to the States by the end of next month. But she will be quitting her job and traveling a bit. So, today was the only day that we could meet up for lunch.

The time was not enough, but she had to go back to work. And I had planned to make a quick run to Costco, which is never quick. Costco was packed! Every check-out line was opened and with a long line of people. Since I rode my scooter there, I didn't have to worry about finding a parking space. I didn't buy much... because my refrigerator is packed with danishes and donuts. But we were badly in need of some basic items, such as milk and frozen veggies.

After putting the items away, I cooked dinner and settled down to read some email. That's when I received this month's test items. Ahhhh... I decided to start on that. Abby called and it was time to pick her up. I had a big surprise for her.  A dear friend decided to sell her a ticket to the Big Bang concert at the end of September. These tickets are extremely difficult to come by. The band has five boys from Korea. Abby had wanted to go, but we could not get tickets. There were 70,000 people 'fighting' to get 30,000 tickets. The concert tickets were sold out in 2 minutes! So, this was a major answer to prayer.

In the evening, I still had to get a load of laundry done. I thought with Alan home I'd have more time to rest. But it seems as if there will always be something to keep me busy. When I have time, I think I'll tackle organizing the study and my files. (I've said this for the past 4 years!)

Seek Him First!

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