Saturday, January 11, 2020

Election Results...

I just keep praying... I was quite disappointed... I have seen such a sharp moral decline these past four years... I was ready for a change... but it doesn't look like change is happening... So please pray for Taiwan.

The day went by so quickly...

I had to tutor before taking Mom to vote...

Then we had a worship luncheon.. Absolutely delicious...

Abby and I rushed off to get a deep conditioning for our hair and then we walked around a bit. Abby shopped for a birthday gift for her under-classmate.

Alan had a HOP meeting in the evening, so we rushed home so that he could take off.

No time for a run...

We spent the evening watching TV.

I also did a bit of housework and message preparations.

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 7:17


  1. and what didn't you like about the election result??

  2. I think the moral decline will continue... TO me, DPP is a liberal party that pushes for very liberal ideas...
