Sunday, March 17, 2019

A Blessed Sunday!

This morning I spoke on the Inconveniences of Journeying with Jesus... God really worked through the message as I haven't spoken at an ALL English congregation for a long time... When I finished, I really enjoyed being able to speak without stopping for translation.

And the Lord had much to teach me... as I had to bring my mom to the church because we had no one at home.

Alan had a big Taipei Tennis Tournament!

Isaiah had a Friendship Tennis Match!

Abby went to her cram school to finish her vocabulary project!

God blessed as I didn't get lost and found a parking place right near the church! And Mom sat quietly while I shared...

After coming back, I had to read over the HOP message as I was translating for the speaker!

By the time we were finished at 6pm, my legs actually cramped up!

We got home at 8pm and I got Mom ready for bed... blogged... checked emails... and watched TV with the family!

What a blessed Sunday!

Seek Him First!
Image result for James 4:4


  1. oh wish I could have been there to hear you speak !!!!!!

  2. Thank you... One of these days... Too bad it wasn't taped!
