Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Cooking Oil Crisis

These past few weeks the news have been plastered with the recent scandal involving a cooking oil factory down in Pingtung that supplies oil to some of the major food producers island-wide. This factory was reusing 'old' oil and other sub-standard ingredients, some of which shouldn't even be in cooking oil.  The factory was using recycled waste oil and animal feed oil.

An old farmer noticed this happening some two years ago. He reported it five times to the local authorities who did nothing.

Finally, he took matters in his own hands, bought digital camera and video cameras and recorded what was happening.  One of the reasons why he started to be very suspicious was because the waste from the factory was contaminating his farm.

He turned everything in and an investigation started, which discovered what the farmer already knew to be true.

This is a major case as so many products were removed from the shelves.

Even though my mom lives in the States, she watches Taiwan news.  In the past few weeks, when I call her each day, she reminds me to be careful about what I eat.  Now, I buy my cooking oil from Costco. And because I enjoy cooking, I actually buy the nicer  more expensive kind of cooking oil. So hopefully, we have not been ingesting any "gutter oil" or food products that have been tainted by this kind of oil.

I guess even shopping for groceries has become a step of faith --

Seek Him First.

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