Saturday, July 30, 2016

Paper Shredding!

Image result for Psalm 14: 6
I bought a great paper shredder from the States for less than 4$ tax included! Yes, of course, at the Salvation Army!

And today, I proceeded to clean -- no the files, but the cabinet that had letters and things (I had no idea what was really down there!)  I found 10 books of checks which I had to shred. I don't know what else I shredded, but I now have an entire black plastic trash bag filled with shredded paper. Where did all that come from?

I also went to get my 50cc scooter tuned up.

Isaiah didn't have Math cram school this afternoon, so we met up at McDonald's for lunch and went shopping. He bought a few things.

Then we were home for the rest of the afternoon which gave me time to finish sorting through the stuff I pulled out from the cabinet in our study.

All in all, it was a great day. And that paper shredder was put to use more than the money I spent on it!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 14: 6

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