Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Abby Passed All Her Classes!

Yes, we were worried!  If she didn't pass, we would have had to change her flight. But there are no seats available as this is the peak season.  It was just going to be a big mess...

Two subjects were the ones we were worried about -- Social Studies and Math!

She said she tried her best. I believed her. Both of these classes had 40% as the class participation score.  But all three of her exams this semester were below 60.  That's what got us worried!

Today we got on the computer and saw her final class score for these two classes --

Math 62
Social Studies 61

We jumped for joy!

Yes, I couldn't believe that I was jumping for joy for such a low passing score.  But I didn't want her to lose the opportunity to go to the states this summer. My mom would enjoy seeing her. Alan's mom would enjoy seeing her. My sister would enjoy seeing her. All her cousins would enjoy seeing her.

Now, when she gets back, she will have to go to cram school to beef up her knowledge on these two subjects as it's only going to get harder.

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 6: 6


  1. hurray !!!! can't wait to see abby

  2. She has summer homework... I told her NOT to bring too much!
