Friday, May 20, 2016

Presidential Inauguration & Other Random Things

Today was Taiwan's Presidential Inauguration. The stock market sat 'still' until after her speech as people were fearful that she was going to 'rock' the boat.  But in her speech she mentioned that she will keep the status quo between China and Taiwan, honoring the previous agreements. That helped the stock market to gain 35 points. But analysts are skeptical, waiting for her first major decision, stating that today's gain is only short term.

Alan and I headed out to the Danhsui house as the A/C units were having problem. The repairman came and in less than an hour, and for only 10US$, it was fixed.  While he was working on the unit, I helped to tidy up the house.

We went to have lunch there in Danhsui and on the way back, went to the new Costco in Beitou.  We decided to have dessert while we were there and this gentleman from the States invited himself to sit with us. We ended up talking for two hours. He told us his life story. Quite interesting. We invited him to come to church on Sunday.

Then it was driving through traffic to pick up Alan's watch that was being repaired.  40US$ and it looks like new.

I had found out that the Inauguration Dinner was going to be in Neihu, so we thought the traffic was going to be horrible. But it wasn't bad at all. There were 270 policemen all around. Tonight would be a great night for an evening run at the park. It sure would be very very safe!

One last thing, 5/20 in Chinese sounds like "I Love You". So, on the radio, it was talking about how this has now become like a Chinese Valentine's Day. I had no idea!!!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 3: 6

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