Monday, December 16, 2013

On The MRT

I was riding the MRT today from Danhsui to Beitou.  At one of the stops, a lady stepped in and sat down next to me.  She was wearing a mask, like she had a cold and seemed to be deep in thought.  She pulled out some real estate brochures and pictures.  I started a conversation with her, asking her if she was buying a place and how big it was and the conversation went on.  She seemed a bit worried, so I said, "I will pray that God will bless and guide you."  Suddenly her face lit up.  "Oh how wonderful. Are you a Christian?"  I said yes and it turned out that she was too.  She had just put a small deposit down as part of an offer to a house and was wondering if she had done the right thing.  It was a joy to talk to her before I got off the MRT.  Saying goodbye, I hope I will see her again as I know how she feels.  Whenever I make a decision, I want to be wise and faithful.  I don't want to waste the gifts and talents He has given me.  And buying a house is a big decision.  I hope the LORD will continue to affirm to her that He is in control and He is the One leading her every step of the way.

Seek Him First!

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