Thursday, January 8, 2015

Feeling Appreciative

I call my mom every day.  After each phone call, I feel grateful.  She still remembers who I am.

During this past holiday season, I had the chance to visit some nursing homes.  I saw many elderly individuals who no longer remember the people in their lives.  You can't have a conversation with them. They sit and eat and have this blank stare in their eyes. They are looking at the TV screen but I don't think they comprehend what's going on. And they have few enjoyments in life.  It is very sad.

So, it's nice to talk to my mom. We talk about the same things every day.  I ask her how many times she went to the exercise room. I ask her how many Little House on the Prairie did she watch. I ask her about the Joyce Meyer program, the food she had, how's dad's stomach, the people she called, and the weather in Torrance. She also asks me about the weather in Taipei or how my kids are doing. The conversation lasts about 10-20 minutes. And we always end the conversation with "I love you".  It's very special for me to hear her say that. I know she really does love me.

Then I get to thinking... about the elderly individuals that I saw at the nursing homes.  Maybe God has a divine purpose in all this. Maybe when you get to the other side of the Jordan, your mind will be so set on the things above and not on the things on earth that you won't even remember much of what happened on earth. There is such joy in seeing God face to face that the glory of that will outshine all else.

I don't know... but for right now, I feel appreciative that I can have these simple daily conversations with my mom.

Seek Him First!

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