Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cell Phone Dilemma

I can't believe it, but everyone in this household has a cell phone now. Isaiah has his own cell phone and number.  Abby has her own cell phone and number. Of course, Alan has had his cell phone and number for a long time.

I have been gone into three different Taiwan Cellular Companies at least three different times, asking the same questions -- what's the best and the cheapest plan you have?

I have finally got everyone on the lowest possible plan --  all three phone plans will cost only 10US$ per month.  And I have told the kids and Alan that they can call each other for one minute or under for FREE! Now I wonder if that's going to work.

How much did all the cell phones cost?

Alan got an old iPhone 3 from our dear friend Robert for FREE and he loves it.

Isaiah got an Amazing 6S which I actually paid 1990NT$.  It was for his graduation gift.

Abby got an Amazing 3S which I paid 300NT$.

And get this, when I renewed one of the above contracts, I got another Amazing 3S for FREE!

So, you might be asking -- what about you, Lovely?  What are you using?

I got a free phone from a dear sister, Christina. It is not a fancy phone. It's one of those very old fashioned ones.

And I am not with Taiwan Cellular. I have an "IF" card, which I put in 300NT$ once a year. Yes, I HAVE to use up that amount in a year which is not easy for me.  I don't really get into using a cell phone. So, I am paying 300NT$ per month for three contracts whereas I use 300NT$ in a year.  I guess that's the price of convenience.

With all the high-tech way of keeping and staying in touch, I thought this quote should remind us that the best person to always stay in touch with is our Loving Heavenly Father, God.

Seek Him First!

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