Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Another Run

My legs do not want to run!

I'm trying to add 10 minutes to each run and it was difficult today.

And as for going to the police station, they will not cancel that ticket! WAHHHH...

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 26: 8


  1. HAHAHAHA you have more tickets than anyone I know, just hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I can't believe it! A total of 2 moving violations and 3 parking tickets! I can't believe I have more than anyone you know... You know Alan... I think he has had at least 3 moving violations (speeding) and two scooter tickets!

  3. oh, I didn't know that, so the Alagata's is the number one in ticket getting, hahahaha

  4. You are too funny... I think Alan is the person who I know who has received the most total number of tickets... There are cameras here... so he has received a couple of those for moving violations. Then if your scooter crosses the line at an intersection, there are cameras that give you a ticket. He has received two of those... At least these tickets are not in the States. One ticket in the States equal 10 tickets in Taiwan. My scooter ticket for going down the one way street was 30US$/each. The scooter parking ticket was 20US$/each. What is a speeding ticket in the States these days?
